Q&A – What can I do to get rid of foxtail?
I moved into a house with my three dogs in October. Now I realize that I have really tall fox tail growing in my flower bed. I have sprayed with Roundup and also used the Weed-G-Gone granules, which I watered down really good. I Googled fox tail and was upset to see that it can be deadly to dogs. What can I do to get rid of foxtail so my yard is safe for dogs? I am too old to dig and do yard work.
Foxtail grasses can cause harm to pets or livestock because it becomes embedded in their bodies and can even cause death. Foxtail grasses are hard to eliminate. You can cover the area where the foxtail is growing with landscape fabric or black plastic to kill it. You could also apply a herbicide or a pre-emergent. There is always the option to manually pull up the plants.
Related Resources:
Foxtail: Yellow, Green, Giant
I moved into a house with my three dogs in October. Now I realize that I have really tall fox tail growing in my flower bed. I have sprayed with Roundup and also used the Weed-G-Gone granules, which I watered down really good. I Googled fox tail and was upset to see that it can be deadly to dogs. What can I do to get rid of foxtail so my yard is safe for dogs? I am too old to dig and do yard work.
Foxtail grasses can cause harm to pets or livestock because it becomes embedded in their bodies and can even cause death. Foxtail grasses are hard to eliminate. You can cover the area where the foxtail is growing with landscape fabric or black plastic to kill it. You could also apply a herbicide or a pre-emergent. There is always the option to manually pull up the plants.
Related Resources:
Foxtail: Yellow, Green, Giant