Q&A – What can I use to treat insect pests on herb plants?
What can I use to treat insect pests on herb plants?
You need to be careful what you spray on herbs because you will be eating them. If you have to spray, UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper recommends using low impact insecticides like insecticidal soap, horticultural oils, or neem oil. Herb expert and Master Gardener Joe Peterson says herbs tend to not have many insect pests, and the plants can withstand some damage.
Related Videos:
Planting an Herb Garden
Easy to Grow Herbs
Preserving Herbs
Related Resources:
Herbs in Southern Gardens
Herb Gardening
Herb Container Gardens
What can I use to treat insect pests on herb plants?
You need to be careful what you spray on herbs because you will be eating them. If you have to spray, UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper recommends using low impact insecticides like insecticidal soap, horticultural oils, or neem oil. Herb expert and Master Gardener Joe Peterson says herbs tend to not have many insect pests, and the plants can withstand some damage.
Related Videos:
Planting an Herb Garden
Easy to Grow Herbs
Preserving Herbs
Related Resources:
Herbs in Southern Gardens
Herb Gardening
Herb Container Gardens