Q&A – What is the best way to deter snakes in the garden?
What is the best way to deter snakes in the garden?
Snakes live in your garden because there is a food source there. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center says small snakes eat insects while larger snakes eat rodents. She also talks about several different kinds of snakes and which ones will keep other snakes away.
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What is the best way to deter snakes in the garden?
Snakes live in your garden because there is a food source there. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center says small snakes eat insects while larger snakes eat rodents. She also talks about several different kinds of snakes and which ones will keep other snakes away.
Related Videos:
Snakes in the Garden
How can I get garden snakes to leave?
Snake Bites
Related Resources:
Control Snakes on a Home Property
Snakes In and Around the House