Q&A – What is this soap sudsy substance on my tree?
What is this soap sudsy substance on my tree?
This is bacterial slime flux. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond explains, this is not just limited to pine trees but it can be found on other trees too. It is a bacterial infection in the tree, usually caused by a wound. There is nothing directly you can do to treat it. The tree will be working on compartmentalizing the wound and infection, which may take several years. The best thing to do is make sure the tree stays healthy so it can compartmentalize the problem area and overcome the problem.
Related Resources:
Slime Flux Disease of Trees
Wetwood and Slime Flux
What is this soap sudsy substance on my tree?
This is bacterial slime flux. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond explains, this is not just limited to pine trees but it can be found on other trees too. It is a bacterial infection in the tree, usually caused by a wound. There is nothing directly you can do to treat it. The tree will be working on compartmentalizing the wound and infection, which may take several years. The best thing to do is make sure the tree stays healthy so it can compartmentalize the problem area and overcome the problem.
Related Resources:
Slime Flux Disease of Trees
Wetwood and Slime Flux