Q&A – What is this weed in my iris garden?
What is this weed in my iris garden?
This weed (Galium aparine) has many common names: bedstraw and catchweed. The seeds have small hooks that attach to clothing or fur. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says it is a winter annual weed. Once it gets hot, the plant will go away. It likes shady moist conditions. Each plant produces 300-400 seeds. It has a shallow root system and can by pulled easily.
Related Resources:
Catchweed Bedstraw, Galium aparine
What is this weed in my iris garden?
This weed (Galium aparine) has many common names: bedstraw and catchweed. The seeds have small hooks that attach to clothing or fur. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says it is a winter annual weed. Once it gets hot, the plant will go away. It likes shady moist conditions. Each plant produces 300-400 seeds. It has a shallow root system and can by pulled easily.
Related Resources:
Catchweed Bedstraw, Galium aparine