Q&A – What is wrong with my hydrangea?
What is wrong with my hydrangea?
This is cercospora leaf spot. It is a fungal disease that appears when the leaves stay wet for a long time. It is most likely to appear on hydrangeas that are up against a wall or other place where there is little air circulation. The lack of circulation slows the drying process making the plant more susceptible to the fungus.
Related Resources:
Cercospora Leaf Spot of Hydrangea
What is wrong with my hydrangea?
This is cercospora leaf spot. It is a fungal disease that appears when the leaves stay wet for a long time. It is most likely to appear on hydrangeas that are up against a wall or other place where there is little air circulation. The lack of circulation slows the drying process making the plant more susceptible to the fungus.
Related Resources:
Cercospora Leaf Spot of Hydrangea