Q&A – When can I plant elephant ears? Can they grow in pots?
When can I plant elephant ears, and can they grow in pots? If so, how big of a pot do I need?
Elephant ears are tropical plants that can overwinter in the right conditions. If they are in favorable conditions (hot, humid, wet soil, and part-sun) they get larger and larger. If they are in less desirable conditions they get smaller and smaller or they may multiply. Growing them in pots is a good choice because at the end of the growing season when the plant goes dormant you can take the entire pot into a sheltered area like a garage until the next spring.
Related Resources:
Alocasia spp. Elephant’s Ear
Elephant Ears (Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma)
When can I plant elephant ears, and can they grow in pots? If so, how big of a pot do I need?
Elephant ears are tropical plants that can overwinter in the right conditions. If they are in favorable conditions (hot, humid, wet soil, and part-sun) they get larger and larger. If they are in less desirable conditions they get smaller and smaller or they may multiply. Growing them in pots is a good choice because at the end of the growing season when the plant goes dormant you can take the entire pot into a sheltered area like a garage until the next spring.
Related Resources:
Alocasia spp. Elephant’s Ear
Elephant Ears (Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma)