Q&A – Why are the tips of my white pines dying?
Why are the tips of my white pines dying?
This is the result of damage of the white pine weevil. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond explains that the weevil attacks the tips of the tree. You should prune out damage. You can use a systemic insecticide to prevent further infestation. If the trees are tall you can contact a certified arborist to go up in the tree and make sure this is the problem.
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Why are the tips of my white pines dying?
This is the result of damage of the white pine weevil. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond explains that the weevil attacks the tips of the tree. You should prune out damage. You can use a systemic insecticide to prevent further infestation. If the trees are tall you can contact a certified arborist to go up in the tree and make sure this is the problem.
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Systemic Insecticides
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Related Resources:
White Pine Weevil
Control white pine weevil in early spring