Q&A – Why did safer soap caused black spots on my pepper leaves?
I use Safer Soap on my pepper plants, and now there are black spots on the leaves. What is it?
The problem is phytotoxicity. The soap residue on the plant leaves caused burning. Certain plants are more sensitive than others. Do not spray safer soap during the heat of the day. Spray early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Also, do not spray when the temperatures are going to be above 85 degrees. The residue will cause burning. If you find that you have sprayed a plant and want to remove the safer soap you can wash it off soon after spraying with a lot of water.
Related Resources:
Insecticidal Soaps for Garden Pest Control
Chemical Damage: Phytotoxicity
I use Safer Soap on my pepper plants, and now there are black spots on the leaves. What is it?
The problem is phytotoxicity. The soap residue on the plant leaves caused burning. Certain plants are more sensitive than others. Do not spray safer soap during the heat of the day. Spray early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Also, do not spray when the temperatures are going to be above 85 degrees. The residue will cause burning. If you find that you have sprayed a plant and want to remove the safer soap you can wash it off soon after spraying with a lot of water.
Related Resources:
Insecticidal Soaps for Garden Pest Control
Chemical Damage: Phytotoxicity