Q&A – Why does my Japanese holly have dead branches?
Why does my Japanese holly have dead branches?
This holly is a replacement for another Japanese holly that died in the same location. The other four plants are doing just fine. There are several reasons this could be happening. Holly plants do not like wet feet. They want to have well drained soil. If the roots are always wet they will rot and the plant will start to die. Raise the soil level to allow better drainage. The problem could also be boxwood decline which is a combination of many different issues. Also, it could be dying because a male dog keeps urinating on it.
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Why does my Japanese holly have dead branches?
This holly is a replacement for another Japanese holly that died in the same location. The other four plants are doing just fine. There are several reasons this could be happening. Holly plants do not like wet feet. They want to have well drained soil. If the roots are always wet they will rot and the plant will start to die. Raise the soil level to allow better drainage. The problem could also be boxwood decline which is a combination of many different issues. Also, it could be dying because a male dog keeps urinating on it.
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Planting Shrubs in Wet Heavy Soils
Summer Flowering Woody Perennials
Related Resources:
Holly Diseases and Insects