Q&A – Why does my newly transplanted ginkgo’s leaves
hang down?
Why does my newly transplanted ginkgo’s leaves hang down?
When leaves wilt on a plant it is typically a root problem. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly says it could be from root damage when the tree was transplanted. She also notices that the soil around the tree looks wet. It could be that the tree is getting too much water. If you were used to watering at a certain frequency in a pot, that is likely too often in the ground.
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Why does my newly transplanted ginkgo’s leaves hang down?
When leaves wilt on a plant it is typically a root problem. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly says it could be from root damage when the tree was transplanted. She also notices that the soil around the tree looks wet. It could be that the tree is getting too much water. If you were used to watering at a certain frequency in a pot, that is likely too often in the ground.
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