Q&A - Should I use a pruning sealer?
What are your views for using paint to seal pruning wounds?
Using a pruning sealant is not recommended. Trees naturally deal with damage and put a natural barrier between the wound and the rest of the tree. Pruning sealers trap moisture and do not let the tree dry out and do the natural healing. Rot and infection can form under sealers and eat away at good tissue.
Related Resources:
Best Management Practices for Pruning Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers
Pruning Basics
Pruning and Care of Shade Trees
What are your views for using paint to seal pruning wounds?
Using a pruning sealant is not recommended. Trees naturally deal with damage and put a natural barrier between the wound and the rest of the tree. Pruning sealers trap moisture and do not let the tree dry out and do the natural healing. Rot and infection can form under sealers and eat away at good tissue.
Related Resources:
Best Management Practices for Pruning Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers
Pruning Basics
Pruning and Care of Shade Trees