Q&A - That Is This Weed? -Virginia Buttonweed
This viny week has invaded my flower bed. When I pull it out it comes right back. It seems to have very thick roots which break easily and the plant comes back from that. What is this and how do I get rid of it?
Chris, Mr. D and director of horticulture at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens Dale Skaggs educate us on Virginia Buttonweed. This pesky plant is a voracious grower and can come from seeds, roots fragments and even stem fragments! To help keep this wily weed out of your yard make sure your soil is well drained. Removing them by hand isn't recommended but can work if you get all of the root material or you can remove it with persistent herbicide use.
Related Videos:
TWIG How To Wipe On Herbicide
Herbicide Basics
Related Resources:
Virginia Buttonweed (Diodia virginiana)
Control of Virginia Buttonweed
This viny week has invaded my flower bed. When I pull it out it comes right back. It seems to have very thick roots which break easily and the plant comes back from that. What is this and how do I get rid of it?
Chris, Mr. D and director of horticulture at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens Dale Skaggs educate us on Virginia Buttonweed. This pesky plant is a voracious grower and can come from seeds, roots fragments and even stem fragments! To help keep this wily weed out of your yard make sure your soil is well drained. Removing them by hand isn't recommended but can work if you get all of the root material or you can remove it with persistent herbicide use.
Related Videos:
TWIG How To Wipe On Herbicide
Herbicide Basics
Related Resources:
Virginia Buttonweed (Diodia virginiana)
Control of Virginia Buttonweed