Q&A - When is the best time to transplant spider lilies?
When is the best time to transplant spider lilies?
The best time to transplant spider lilies is when the flowers die back in the fall because the flower stalk is still visible. Spider lilies have foliage in the spring which dies back in the summer and then they send up a flower stalk in the fall. You can transplant them when the leaves die back in the summer as well.
Related Resources:
Lycoris radiata
Flowering Bulbs for Georgia Gardens
When is the best time to transplant spider lilies?
The best time to transplant spider lilies is when the flowers die back in the fall because the flower stalk is still visible. Spider lilies have foliage in the spring which dies back in the summer and then they send up a flower stalk in the fall. You can transplant them when the leaves die back in the summer as well.
Related Resources:
Lycoris radiata
Flowering Bulbs for Georgia Gardens