Q&A - My Neighbor's Wisteria Is In My Yard
I do believe the neighbor's wisteria means to creep its way in to my home, take all my possessions and strangle me as I sleep. No matter how many times I pull the vines that root in my own yard, those that originate on the other side of the fence continue to slither in to my bushes. I swear that plant grows a foot a day. Short of sneaking around after dark with a bottle of RoundUp, is there any way to discourage this wisteria vine from crossing the property line?
Sleeping with One Eye Open
Make Dennison and Chris Cooper talk about ways to keep a wisteria plant in a neighbor's yard from crossing over into your yard and causing damage. Wisteria vines can kill trees and cause property damage. Unfortunately the options to contain it are not easy or inexpensive.
Related Resources:
Invasive, Exotic Plants of the Southeast: Wisterias
Controlling Weedy Vines
I do believe the neighbor's wisteria means to creep its way in to my home, take all my possessions and strangle me as I sleep. No matter how many times I pull the vines that root in my own yard, those that originate on the other side of the fence continue to slither in to my bushes. I swear that plant grows a foot a day. Short of sneaking around after dark with a bottle of RoundUp, is there any way to discourage this wisteria vine from crossing the property line?
Sleeping with One Eye Open
Make Dennison and Chris Cooper talk about ways to keep a wisteria plant in a neighbor's yard from crossing over into your yard and causing damage. Wisteria vines can kill trees and cause property damage. Unfortunately the options to contain it are not easy or inexpensive.
Related Resources:
Invasive, Exotic Plants of the Southeast: Wisterias
Controlling Weedy Vines