Setting Up a Bird Feeder
Debbie Bruce from Wild Birds Unlimited shows how to set up a bird feeder on a pole. The pole system she is using allows for two feeders to be hung at the same time. One feeder she loads with bird seed and the other feeder with suet. This selection will attract a range of birds to the feeders. There are squirrels and raccoons that live in the area so Debbie installs a baffle to keep them from climbing the pole and also sites the feeder at least 12 feet away from trees so squirrels cannot jump to the feeder.
Related Resources:
Feeding Wild Birds
Attracting Backyard Birds: Bird Feeder Selection
Bird Feeding - Tips for Beginners & Veterans
Related Resources:
Feeding Wild Birds
Attracting Backyard Birds: Bird Feeder Selection
Bird Feeding - Tips for Beginners & Veterans