Spring Soil Preparation
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about getting your garden soil ready for planting. The best way to start your soil prep is to get a soil test. This is best done in the fall to give any needed lime a chance to change the soil pH. If it is spring, get the test and put out the lime. It will take a few months to take effect but will change the pH over the season. The soil test also tells you how much fertilizer you need.
Remove vegetation from the area you are going to plant. You can do this with a rototiller, chemicals, a shovel, etc. Don’t work the soil when it is too wet because it will form clods that will stay through the growing season. If you would like to get an early start on your garden create 6-8-inch ridges in the fall. These ridges will dry out and warm up faster than flat ground. There is an online national soil survey and you can find out what kind of soil you have in your garden for free. This will help you know if your soil is sandy or has lots of clay and the percolation rate of the soil. You need drainage in your garden. If water is standing in your garden you need to create a way for it to drain, dig a ditch.
Related Videos:
How To Take a Soil Sample
Tilling and Amending a New Garden
Garden Fertilizer Math
Changing Garden Soil pH
Related Resources:
Soil Testing
Prepare Your Soil
Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardens
Remove vegetation from the area you are going to plant. You can do this with a rototiller, chemicals, a shovel, etc. Don’t work the soil when it is too wet because it will form clods that will stay through the growing season. If you would like to get an early start on your garden create 6-8-inch ridges in the fall. These ridges will dry out and warm up faster than flat ground. There is an online national soil survey and you can find out what kind of soil you have in your garden for free. This will help you know if your soil is sandy or has lots of clay and the percolation rate of the soil. You need drainage in your garden. If water is standing in your garden you need to create a way for it to drain, dig a ditch.
Related Videos:
How To Take a Soil Sample
Tilling and Amending a New Garden
Garden Fertilizer Math
Changing Garden Soil pH
Related Resources:
Soil Testing
Prepare Your Soil
Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardens