Planting Bush Beans
UT Assistant Professor of Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner shows how to plant bush beans. Family Plot is participating in a Tennessee-wide vegetable garden trialing program run by Natalie. The bean varieties we are trialing here are Jade II and Crockett bush beans. They will produce beans in 55-60 days. After talking about the trial Natalie places seeds into shallow trenches she previously dug. Beans should be planted after the frost-free date. She places the bean seeds about two inches apart. Later she will thin out about half the plants, so they are four inches apart. She then covers the seeds with a thin layer of soil. The seed should be covered to a depth that is two to thee times the diameter of the seed, so for beans that would be about an inch. You want to get good ground contact so the seed can begin to absorb water and start to germinate. Beans and most other vegetables like an inch to inch and a half of water a week. During the spring time you can probably get that with rain but in the drier summer you may need to irrigate. A pest that are often found on beans are the Mexican bean beetle, There are also some bacterial diseases that can affect beans.
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Related Resources:
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