Planting Dusty Miller and Pansies
TSU Extension, Agent Joellen Dimond, prepares and plants dusty miller and pansies in a flower bed. She is planting these plants in the fall. She has chosen dusty miller because it is a biennial. It will grow through all of next year. Before she plants Joellen removes all the summer flowers. Then she turns over the soil. The long lifespan of the dusty miller will not allow her to do that next spring. This bed has been worked for two years and the soil is loose. There are still a few clods that Joellen breaks up. There are also a lot of earth worms. Two years ago, there was only one. After the soil is turned over and raked smooth Joellen sprinkles on slow release fertilizer. She then puts on a thin layer of mulch. The she lays out the dusty miller. She does not plant until she is happy with their positions. To plant she scrapes away the mulch, digs the hole and puts the plant in at the same depth it grew in the pot. Then she fills in the hole and pushes the mulch around the plant. She repeats this process for the pansies.
November 4, 2017
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Related Resources:
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Related Videos:
Fall and Winter Flowers
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Related Resources:
Success With Pansies in Winter Landscape
Annual and Perennial Flowers