Q&A - How do you know when to pick figs?
How do you know when to pick figs?
Fig expert Bill Colvard talks about how to know when a fig is ready to pick. Figs will sit on the bush as a hard green object for a very long time. Then it will change color and in three days double in size. After that it will droop. At this point some varieties of figs are ready. Other varieties may require one more day on the plant. If you have ant problems you can pick it when it droops and take it inside to continue to soften for a day or two.
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How do you know when to pick figs?
Fig expert Bill Colvard talks about how to know when a fig is ready to pick. Figs will sit on the bush as a hard green object for a very long time. Then it will change color and in three days double in size. After that it will droop. At this point some varieties of figs are ready. Other varieties may require one more day on the plant. If you have ant problems you can pick it when it droops and take it inside to continue to soften for a day or two.
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