Bill Colvard has been growing figs for years. Figs are actually the blossom of the plant. The interior of the fig, the part that you eat is the flower and it is encapsulated by the body. Figs are from a Mediterranean climate which is hot and dry. In more humid climates figs can rot before they are ready. In humid climates like the southeast United States look for figs that have a small eye. The larger the eye the more problems you will have with fermentation and ants. There are several ways to propagate figs. The most successful way is layering which is bending a branch down to the ground and holding it there until it forms roots of its own. The bark should be wounded on the underside of the part of the branch that is in contact with the ground. The main pests of figs are ants and birds.
Related Videos:
How do you know when to pick figs?
When to Plant Figs
Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Fig Production Guide
Related Videos:
How do you know when to pick figs?
When to Plant Figs
Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Fig Production Guide