Q&A - Removing Ivy from Trees
We have a vine that is growing up and choking our maple tree. What is it, and how do we kill the vine?
English Ivy can take over a tree. The Ivy is using the tree as a trellis and has grown to the point that it is shading out the tree. To kill it cut the vine near the ground and treat the cut with glyphosate. Control the new growth from the ground by cutting it back to the ground. The ivy in the tree will die and eventually fall out of the tree. Pulling the ivy out of the tree is not recommended because you will damage the tree bark as you do it.
Related Videos:
Is It Okay to Have Ivy In My Trees?
Related Resources:
English Ivy
English Ivy Control
Fact Sheet on Ivy Removal in a Home Landscape
We have a vine that is growing up and choking our maple tree. What is it, and how do we kill the vine?
English Ivy can take over a tree. The Ivy is using the tree as a trellis and has grown to the point that it is shading out the tree. To kill it cut the vine near the ground and treat the cut with glyphosate. Control the new growth from the ground by cutting it back to the ground. The ivy in the tree will die and eventually fall out of the tree. Pulling the ivy out of the tree is not recommended because you will damage the tree bark as you do it.
Related Videos:
Is It Okay to Have Ivy In My Trees?
Related Resources:
English Ivy
English Ivy Control
Fact Sheet on Ivy Removal in a Home Landscape