Q&A – How do I get rid of crape myrtle suckers around my hydrangea?
How do I get rid of crape myrtle suckers around my hydrangea?
When living crape myrtles are cut down they send up many, many suckers from the roots. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper offers a few options for killing the roots. The non-chemical way is to keep cutting off the suckers as they come up. The roots will eventually exhaust their energy reserve and die, but this may take several years. Or you can use glyphosate on the shoots. Because there is another desirable plant in the area don’t spray, wipe. Take a brush or sponge and wipe glyphosate concentrate on the leaves of the shoots.
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How do I get rid of crape myrtle suckers around my hydrangea?
When living crape myrtles are cut down they send up many, many suckers from the roots. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper offers a few options for killing the roots. The non-chemical way is to keep cutting off the suckers as they come up. The roots will eventually exhaust their energy reserve and die, but this may take several years. Or you can use glyphosate on the shoots. Because there is another desirable plant in the area don’t spray, wipe. Take a brush or sponge and wipe glyphosate concentrate on the leaves of the shoots.
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