Q&A – How do I kill English ivy growing under my blue spruce?
How do I kill English ivy growing under my blue spruce?
English ivy is tough to get rid of. UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons III says you should cut it back to the ground and pull out all the runners. You can then paint the cut tips with concentrated glyphosate. Don’t spray glyphosate because it will harm the other plants nearby. You will need to keep at it. It may take quite a while before all the ivy is dead.
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How do I kill English ivy growing under my blue spruce?
English ivy is tough to get rid of. UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons III says you should cut it back to the ground and pull out all the runners. You can then paint the cut tips with concentrated glyphosate. Don’t spray glyphosate because it will harm the other plants nearby. You will need to keep at it. It may take quite a while before all the ivy is dead.
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How To Wipe On Herbicide
Herbicide Basics
Herbicide Modes Of Action
Related Resources:
Safe Herbicide Use
Herbicide Injury to Yard and Garden Plants