Q&A – If I trim my crape myrtle by 2 feet will it encourage lateral growth?
If I trim my crape myrtle by 2 feet will it encourage lateral growth?
It depends on what kind of crape myrtle you have. UT Gardens - Jackson Horticulturist Jason Reeves says smaller shrub forms of crape myrtle will bush out and become thicker if you prune them, but larger tree forms will not bush out down lower on the tree. If it is a tree form, he recommends planting other shade tolerant plants under it to make a visual barrier.
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Crapemyrtle Pruning
If I trim my crape myrtle by 2 feet will it encourage lateral growth?
It depends on what kind of crape myrtle you have. UT Gardens - Jackson Horticulturist Jason Reeves says smaller shrub forms of crape myrtle will bush out and become thicker if you prune them, but larger tree forms will not bush out down lower on the tree. If it is a tree form, he recommends planting other shade tolerant plants under it to make a visual barrier.
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Crape Myrtles
Related Resources:
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Pruning Crapemyrtles
Crapemyrtle Pruning