Q&A – What can I do to keep insects from eating my hosta plants?
What can I do to keep insects from eating my hosta plants?
This is probably a slug problem. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says slugs like the environment where hostas grow: shady and moist. She gives some options to control them without chemicals. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper lists some baits that can be used to control slugs.
Related Videos:
Slugs In My Flowerbeds
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Related Resources:
Slugs in Home Gardens
Managing Slugs and Snails
What can I do to keep insects from eating my hosta plants?
This is probably a slug problem. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says slugs like the environment where hostas grow: shady and moist. She gives some options to control them without chemicals. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper lists some baits that can be used to control slugs.
Related Videos:
Slugs In My Flowerbeds
Kinds of Mulch
Related Resources:
Slugs in Home Gardens
Managing Slugs and Snails