Square Foot Gardening Basics
Gardening Expert Tonya Ashworth talks about the basics of square foot gardening. Square foot gardens are grown in raised beds, usually four feet square. The bed is then divided into square foot sections. There are several advantages to a square foot garden. They are small in size, you don’t need large garden equipment like a rototiller, there are almost no weeds, and they can grow many plants in the small space. In each square foot of garden you can grow sixteen carrots; a tomato, pepper or eggplant; four bush beans; or nine sweet peas.
Related Videos:
Starting a Square Foot Garden
Building Raised Bed
Planting Vegetable Seeds
Related Resources:
Square Foot Gardening for Beginners
The Facts of Square Foot Gardening
Create a Square-Foot, High-Yield Vegetable Garden
Related Videos:
Starting a Square Foot Garden
Building Raised Bed
Planting Vegetable Seeds
Related Resources:
Square Foot Gardening for Beginners
The Facts of Square Foot Gardening
Create a Square-Foot, High-Yield Vegetable Garden