Planting Cool Season Vegetable Seeds
Master Gardener Tom Mashour shows how to plant cool season vegetable seeds. He starts off with beets. Beet seeds are not actually individual seeds. They are seed clusters. Each “seed” that you plant will produce several plants. Thinning will be mandatory. Tom uses a weeding tool to make a shallow trench to put the seeds in. He then places the seeds in the trough. He labels the row of seeds with an old piece of venetian blinds he wrote on with a pencil. He then plants radishes. Tom sprinkles seeds into a new trough. Finally, he plants romaine lettuce which he says is easy to grow and does not have many insect pests. Tom covers all the seeds at the same time. This way he can see where they are and not spread the seeds from one row to another. Often seeds can be purchased inexpensively from a seed and feed store. Tom is not going to fertilize the plants now. The seeds are nutrient rich. Later when the plants are fertilized he will only use fertilizer.
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Guide to Spring-Planted, Cool-Season Vegetables
Carrot, Beet, & Radish & Parsnip
Romaine Lettuce
Related Videos:
Related Resources:
Guide to Spring-Planted, Cool-Season Vegetables
Carrot, Beet, & Radish & Parsnip
Romaine Lettuce