Q&A - What are the red spots on my dogwood leaves?
I have small red spots on my dogwood leaves. What is it and how do I control it?
Red spots on dogwood leaves are caused by dogwood spot anthracnose. The problem may be unsightly but it will not kill the tree. In a small tree it can be treated by fungicide but that is only effective when the fungicide is on the leaves. Every time it rains the fungicide is washed off. When the leaves fall off the tree in the fall they should be collected and put in the trash to limit the infection the next year.
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Dogwood Anthracnose
I have small red spots on my dogwood leaves. What is it and how do I control it?
Red spots on dogwood leaves are caused by dogwood spot anthracnose. The problem may be unsightly but it will not kill the tree. In a small tree it can be treated by fungicide but that is only effective when the fungicide is on the leaves. Every time it rains the fungicide is washed off. When the leaves fall off the tree in the fall they should be collected and put in the trash to limit the infection the next year.
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Related Resources:
Spot Anthracnose on Flowering Dogwood
How to Identify and Control Dogwood Anthracnose
Dogwood Anthracnose