Q&A - Why do my figs get moldy before they ripen?
Why do my figs get moldy before they ripen?
Figs should be picked before they are fully ripe. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says figs ripen from the inside out, so when they are fully ripe on the outside they have started to rot. She also says that environmental conditions can affect figs. You should pick figs a little before they are ripe and set them on the kitchen counter to finish ripening.
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Why do my figs get moldy before they ripen?
Figs should be picked before they are fully ripe. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says figs ripen from the inside out, so when they are fully ripe on the outside they have started to rot. She also says that environmental conditions can affect figs. You should pick figs a little before they are ripe and set them on the kitchen counter to finish ripening.
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How do you know when to pick figs?
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Figs in the Home Planting
Figs are Ripening