Q&A – I notice this odd seedling each spring. What is it? A - Morning Glory
I notice this odd seedling each spring. What is it?
This is morning glory. Morning glories have heart-shaped leaves and produce blue flowers that will attract pollinators. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center says you need to be careful because morning glory will compete with other plants in the area.
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How do I get rid of this morning glory? I have sprayed but it returned.
What is this plant that comes up every year? A: Morning Glory
Related Resources:
Morning glory Control: Don't Be Fooled by the Bright Flowers
I notice this odd seedling each spring. What is it?
This is morning glory. Morning glories have heart-shaped leaves and produce blue flowers that will attract pollinators. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center says you need to be careful because morning glory will compete with other plants in the area.
Related Videos:
How do I get rid of this morning glory? I have sprayed but it returned.
What is this plant that comes up every year? A: Morning Glory
Related Resources:
Morning glory Control: Don't Be Fooled by the Bright Flowers