Q&A – My fig tree froze to the ground, and I got no figs. Will I get figs this next year?
My fig tree froze to the ground, and I got no figs. Will I get figs this next year?
You probably will get figs this coming year. UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons III says figs produce on old wood. If the tree froze to the ground, there was no old wood last year. This year it should fruit.
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Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Figs are Ripening
My fig tree froze to the ground, and I got no figs. Will I get figs this next year?
You probably will get figs this coming year. UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons III says figs produce on old wood. If the tree froze to the ground, there was no old wood last year. This year it should fruit.
Related Videos:
How do you know when to pick figs?
Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Figs are Ripening