Q&A – My Leyland branches are dying after a heavy snow. What can I do?
My Leyland branches are dying after a heavy snow. What can I do?
The weight of the snow tore off some of the branches. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says to prune out the dead parts and the trees should rapidly recover. If any trees have died, she recommends replacing them with another kind of plant because Leyland cypress trees have many problems.
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Leyland Cypress
My Leyland branches are dying after a heavy snow. What can I do?
The weight of the snow tore off some of the branches. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says to prune out the dead parts and the trees should rapidly recover. If any trees have died, she recommends replacing them with another kind of plant because Leyland cypress trees have many problems.
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Related Resources:
Prepare Your Landscape for Snow
Leyland Cypress