Q&A – Why does my leyland cypress keep dying?
I am having an issue with some of my Leland Cypresses dying. A branch will start turning a rusty brown color which travels to the whole limb eventually the whole plant. I replaced them with no issues, they were growing beautifully, then spring came around, these same 3 are dying again. But, there are no issues with plants on either side.
I notice a good size root ball and haven't noticed any grubs or other pests when I dig them up. Am I having a soil issue? I also thought of canker but its only affecting certain plants and only during the spring time and only in the same plant areas.
This is seiridium canker. The plants that keep dying are in a certain area, and TSU Extension Agent Joellen Diamond thinks this is because something about that area is stressing the plant. Plant stress leads to it being more susceptible to the canker. It may be in a low spot where the roots are waterlogged.
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Seiridium Canker
February 13, 2021
I am having an issue with some of my Leland Cypresses dying. A branch will start turning a rusty brown color which travels to the whole limb eventually the whole plant. I replaced them with no issues, they were growing beautifully, then spring came around, these same 3 are dying again. But, there are no issues with plants on either side.
I notice a good size root ball and haven't noticed any grubs or other pests when I dig them up. Am I having a soil issue? I also thought of canker but its only affecting certain plants and only during the spring time and only in the same plant areas.
This is seiridium canker. The plants that keep dying are in a certain area, and TSU Extension Agent Joellen Diamond thinks this is because something about that area is stressing the plant. Plant stress leads to it being more susceptible to the canker. It may be in a low spot where the roots are waterlogged.
Related Videos:
How do I root a Leyland Cypress?
When can I plant my Leyland Cypress?
Related Resources
Diseases of Leyland Cypress In the Landscape
Seiridium canker of Junipers and Cypress
Seiridium Canker
February 13, 2021