Q&A – Why does my brown turkey fig produce lots of figs, but only a
few get ripe?
Why does my brown turkey fig produce lots of figs, but only a few get ripe?
When figs don’t get ripe it is a sign that the tree is stressed. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly says it could be a result of a combination of the cold winter, high temperatures, and high humidity. She gives some recommendations to reduce plant stress.
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Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Fig Production Guide
Why does my brown turkey fig produce lots of figs, but only a few get ripe?
When figs don’t get ripe it is a sign that the tree is stressed. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly says it could be a result of a combination of the cold winter, high temperatures, and high humidity. She gives some recommendations to reduce plant stress.
Related Videos:
How do you know when to pick figs?
Related Resources:
Figs in the Home Planting
Fig Production Guide