Today we laid out the Family Plot square foot garden. Chris and Peter layed out the squares with twine and garden staples. They also put up the leaning trellis and planted onions and peas according to this year's garden plan. Both onions and peas are planted 9 to a square in a grid. You want to leave some space around the edge of the square so the plants in the neighboring squares have space. Here is the video:
1 Comment
Mark Tedford
4/23/2023 12:56:31 am
Would love a beginner tilling and start for us Memphis folk who’ve retired to the country,always enjoy show,Thanks
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Square Foot GardenThis year we are trying out square foot gardening. We will be growing a 4x8 garden and seeing what happens and finding out how much we can grow in such a small space. Categories
Garden Status
Here is what is growing right now in the Garden: (click the picture to zoom) Master Plan
We hope to follow this plan to be able to maximize our harvest. (click to zoom) Our Harvest So Far
5.50 lb Radishes (32 plants) 1.09 lb Spinach 0.70 lb Turnip Greens 0.58 lb Turnip Roots 1.71 lb Mustard Greens 3.71 lb Peas 1.12 lb Green Lettuce 0.83 lb Cauliflower (1 head) 3.74 lb Basil 3.96 lb Carrots (46) 0.11 lb Green Beans (bust) 24.17 lb Tomatoes (225) 4.77 lb Onions (16) 0.53 lb Summer Squash (2) 8.69 lb Eggplant (25) 9.40 lb Cantaloupe (4) 9.90 lb Watermelon (3) 21.19lb Cucumbers (34) 3.17 lb Peppers (19) 0.58 lb Oak Leaf Lettuce 1.20 lb Romaine Lettuce 8.45 lb Sweet Potato (6) |