The Q&A Show
This week we are answering viewer questions. Click below to watch or get more information about any of the questions we answered.
- Is there anything I could add to my garden soil to keep it from clumping when I turn it over?
- What’s the best way to grow vegetables in pots at home?
- Can I run my air conditioner to harden off my plants?
- What is the proper method of disposing of cherry branches with black knot?
- Best way to get rid of fire ants in raised beds?
- Is borax a safe method for killing ants in a raised bed vegetable garden?
- What can I use in place of bag mulch to keep weeds down?
- What is this vine and how can I get rid of it? A: Carolina snailseed
- What can I do to get rid of groundhogs in my yard?
- I have black mold on my flagstone deck. How do I get rid of it?